All Leaders and Executive members have to undergo training to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to allow them to successfully work with the children and adults in the Group. Training can be in the form of Modules ( small, finite sections of a particular skill or knowledge base) and Courses where Leaders from across all Sections and from different Groups gain information and update their skills. ” Learning by  doing” or what used to be called, “Sitting  by Nelly”is also an integral  part of a Leaders Training where new recruits watch and learn whilst giving a hand. Usually a Training Advisor is allocated to a new Leader, who can give help and advice when needed, and is also a point of contact between the Assistant District Commissioners (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) and other Leaders. On completion of the required Training appropriate to their position in Scouting, a member can gain the “Wood Badge”  (two wooden beads on a leather lace) that is a physical sign of the completion of their Scout Training. Often known a “worry beads” they come with that expression on Leaders faces that says” well it worked well on the training course”!!

Executive Members (Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary) are also encouraged to complete the basic modules and attend appropriate course that will increase their knowledge and skills.

Training is ongoing and allows Leaders to keep pace with the ever changing requirements of legislation, Health and Safety etc.

All Leaders have to have an up to date DBS check, as well as those who actively help within a Group. Parents and supporters are encouraged to be come ” Occasional Helpers”, by the completion of a simple form, that means they are then ” on the books”.

Annual Membership Fee.

Every year in January, on the completion of the Scout Census, the Group pays on behalf of the children in the Group a membership fee to Headquarters. This year, 2016, the fee is £43.50 each. How this money is collected from the Children/ families varies from Group to Group, but the weekly “subs” do not cover this payment. Expenses to cover Badges, equipment and consumables, rent for the building, activities and Training costs all eat into this money. Fundraising via sponsorships, fetes and other activities help but can never guarantee a steady income. Small grants are sometimes available but are often linked to a specific project or event. So parents are expected to provide the majority of this money, spread over the following months, with allowances made to the amounts and times payable.